Sunday, January 16, 2011


I almost forgot!   My shop on etsy....

My Shop!

I don't have much there yet, but I am still working on things for friends and family.... I put items up to sell when I have some time.   

Etsy is much more time consuming than I though it would be.

1st of Many... I Hope


I feel I need to let y'all know a little bit about myself.

I had boy/girl twins in March of 2010, and they are the inspiration for the title of my little home business.  I decided to start making things on the side for a few friends, and possibly be able to sell a few things.  We aren't in desparate need of the money, but I have always had a source of income.   Maybe it's my sense of indepence, or my need to keep my mind busy....either way I want to create!!! 

I have so many ideas floating around in my head, I don't know where to begin.